Aglow International Caribbean Region Transforming Kingdom Culture throughout the Caribbean Fri, 09 Oct 2020 14:14:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aglow International Caribbean Region 32 32 194846231 I Will Give You The Nations As Your Inheritance Wed, 30 Sep 2020 22:39:04 +0000

What impacted me most at the conference was being in the presence of God’s people from nations all across the earth.  To worship with my brothers and sisters from New Zealand, Ghana, the Faroe Islands, and Indonesia with one voice, one sound, and one spirit to the one true God was amazing. I felt the truth of Revelation 5 and could not stop saying it during the flag parade, “You have redeemed us to God from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation and made us priests and kings to our God.”  Wow! It changes your life when you see the global vision of the church, and the Kingdom of God manifest with thousands gathered together worshipping. Hearing testimonies of the great things God is doing in all these nations through the speakers and other individuals opens your eyes to the wonder of being a part of this glorious Kingdom.  It humbles you to the awesome privilege of being called a child of God and stirs up such zeal to do His will.

I was greatly impacted by the opportunity our group had to share one of our poems in the Generations session. It was amazing to be reminded of how suddenly and unexpectedly God can call you out to display His glory. We prayed concerning what God wanted us to share and sought the counsel of our advisors. They suggested we share a poem I wrote entitled, <<<My Occupation>>>.  At the time, I had no idea how much the content would resonate within the hearts and spirits of His people.  In this hour it seemed He had decided to shine His light on our little nation and I only wanted to seek out what His desire was.

It meant so much to me because the poem was my testimony of how God asked me to lay down my life in obedience to His purpose.  That decision led me to Aglow and through Aglow to the nations.   For me, it was the fulfillment of a promise from God, “ask and I will give you the nations as your inheritance”.  I will never forget the moment of standing before thousands, representing over 100 nations, and knowing that truly nothing is impossible with God. I could not measure how far His grace could extend as He did exceedingly and abundantly above all I could ask for or imagine. I was also deeply moved when a young man who worked at the hotel heard the poem and asked for prayer afterward. I was truly humbled by him and all the women and men who expressed how much they had been blessed. They in turn imparted their wisdom, prayers and encouragement to me. I have been blessed with lasting friendships in every corner of the globe who love me sincerely and pray for me.

We were in awe seeing His purpose unfold for us and so many others. I was truly blessed seeing my brother from the Faroe Islands lead us into the presence of God with the beautiful gift God has given Him and a love for His presence, and my sisters from D.C. dancing with such passion for His glory.  I will never forget the last night we spent with our new friends, sharing laughter over dinner and bonding over mini-golf while continuing to minister and live out the words of Graham Cooke to share our favor with the world.  It makes you long for a day when moments like these will be unending. – Nishan Patton, Aglow Bahamas Generations Co-Leader, at the 2013 International Aglow Conference in Orlando, Florida. <i>A life-changing experience.</i>
